Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Women

For our class and what we are trying to accomplish I beileve Two Women was a good film to see. It was written and directed by Iraqi women so though it may be biased, it is likely accurate. However because this film was produced many years ago and is not current, it may be important to find a more modern film that depicts the situation of women now in Iraq.

I thought the film used women in a positive light despite the fact that the women in this film were not treated as they should be. You can really empathize with the women in this film unlike some Lifetime movies....

The women in this movie were intelligent and ambitious and relatable to an American audience which I think is it's best feature.

1 comment:

Kristen Felts said...

The movie came out in 1999, and although it is ten years old, I don't feel like it was too out of date. A lot of it was historical anyway, going back to the Iranian Cultural Revolution in the 1980's.